Collab dinner with Verde y Crema

Purchase tickets here

We are ecstatic to announce we are doing a Six-Course Collaboration Dinner with the wonderful Tijuana restaurant VERDE Y CREMA and it will be happening at THEIR gorgeous restaurant. Let's Go Clandestino, the amazing Baja Tour company, are selling the tickets through their site with an option to include a BUS RIDE down and back.

This Six-Course Dinner will have the option to come with pairings, which include two wines from Ulloa (an amazing Baja winery owned by Laja / Merotoro Chef Jair Tellez, who is also an owner of Verde Y Crema), a Wendlandt beer (they just took the top honor at the Mexico Beer Awards), a beer from our own Master Brewer Lee Chase of Automatic Brewing Co, and will finish with Verde Y Crema's own Mezcal. Menu will be release next week, but if interested now is the time to ensure we don't sell out!

And by the way, there are TWO seatings, one at 6pm and one at 9pm.

Chef Zoé Villarreal - Chef, Verde y Crema
Chef Jennifer G. Arana - Sous Chef, Verde Y Crema
Chef Sharon Wilson - Chef, Panama 66 (and former Head Chef of Tiger!Tiger!)
Chef Norbert Moniz - Chef, Tiger!Tiger! & Blind Lady Ale House
Chef Tim Fuller - Chef, Charcuterie & Baking Program BLAH, T!T! & P66

6-Course Dinner $63 (w/ bus $83)
6-Course Dinner + Drink Pairings $83 (w/ bus $103)

Purchase tickets here